Friday, November 12, 2010

Accommodations for...THE GAME!

Hey guys,

I don't know how many of you are procrastinators like me and Michael, but just in case, we'd like to extend an invite for The Game accommodations.

Michael and I plan to stay at his (our? weird.) parents' house in Winchester (right near Cambridge) next weekend, and his/our parents would be happy to host virtually any number of YPMBers before/after The Game. We extended the invite to 05 a minute ago, but we of the later generations deserve to experience the awesomeness that is Celiane Rey-Casserly's food too, dammit!

Anyway, we're planning on getting into Boston on Thursday evening and staying through Monday, so just let me know if you're interested!

Let's get fired up!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

oh sev lovin'

Ali Frazz and I recently came up with the best idea ever: an oh-sev road trip! It would be in two parts- and east coast car and a west coast car, and we'd meet somewhere in the middle of the country (Beth?) for a week of debauchery. Then we could switch cars and continue on to the opposite coasts! I figure this would only take about 3 weeks total...

Maybe that road trip isn't such a realistic dream, but would anyone be interested in a long weekend camping or in a rented house this summer? I heard a rumor that they're renting out the Jersey Shore house...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tickets- The Game 2009

I just sent this to the google group, but here it is in case not everyone's part of that!

<3 j

Hi 05-09!,

The Game is less than 2 months away! I am going to order tickets and get a block as close as possible to the YPMB section. If you would like in, please let me know by next Sunday, the 4th, so I can place an order early next week.

what: THE GAME!
when: 11/21/2009, 12:00 PM
where: THE YALE BOWL!!!
how much: $30 a seat

I will order the tickets, you can send me a check, and I will either mail you your ticket or give it to you that weekend, depending on what you prefer.

Already getting fired up,

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Game?

Hey guys,

Who all is planning on being at the Game this year? Any word on whether someone is spearheading ticket orders, etc? I noticed the older alums are motivating and wasn't sure if 05 was organizing something this year or whether we should take a turn.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hey y'all,

Carly and Monica passed through SF last night (on the last leg of a road trip) and informed us that '09 has its own blog! Check it out here: ypmb 2009


P.S. Change is in the air. I've got New York on my mind.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

YIR 06-07!


Marcus and Ben, this year's photogs, are extremely awesome and put together a Year in Review for our senior year, which as you may remember had never been done. If you'd like a DVD, email or with your address.

lots of <3, miss you all

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ski Trip: Alumni addition

Hey All,

Most of the second year graduate students in my program are in the midst of an epic battle with qualifying exams. The final show down for us in the middle of January, and with any luck, we will all be allowed to stay in the program.

In order to relax after this final exam, I'm putting together a ski trip for Jan. 25-29 in Killington, VT. There are already a number of Doesn't Matter grad students in my department interested in going, but I thought some of you still out on the East coast might like to come as well. The cost of the trip is $400 with rentals, $310 without.

It was great to see some of you at the Game. Hope to hear from you soon!
