Wednesday, September 26, 2007

There is a door. . .

On Monday, I took my trumpet case out of the closet, dusted it off, and slung it over my shoulder as I started to walk to the open rehearsal for the Princeton Wind Ensemble. Making my way across campus, I took note of all the features that I've become familiar with over the past month and a half. There are the statues of tigers, the unusual memorial in front of the art museum, the fountain, and of course, the student center. Strange, I thought to myself, even though these are my landmarks now, it seems like I have a memory of them from a time before I became a grad student at Princeton. . .

I tried to shrug the thought off as I entered the music building, but as I descended the steps, the feeling of familiarity became even stronger. And as I moved to open the band room door, I paused for a second, my hand resting on the handle, to reflect.

Then it hit me.

By indirect contact, I have now touched the balls of the men of '07. Wow.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean you're going to be the sketchy (but less "Why haven't you graduated yet?) Junius of the PWE?

mysterhie said...

those tiger statues were so cold.

if you know what i mean.

Diana said...

hehe awwww!!

Jenny, Warren and I may not have been conscious during our german test at 9:30 that morning, but at least we had breakfast that day.

Warren said...

My balls sadly (or fortunately) did not touch that doorknob, meaning I did risk getting preggers or crabs from the scrota (scrotti? scrotums? i like scrota) of the members of!

Hudson said...

I just drove by the campus on the way to Trenton this morning, and had a lot of fun reminiscing about that night. Route 1 and Kappa's car...not to mention the fun we had in and on their stadium.