Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Resumes are Hard

Well, maybe if I keep a running update here I'll have a better shot at forcing my way through. Resumes are tough! Especially when the field I want to go into may or may not want different info on it than a standard UCS cut-and-paste resume. But I shall press on, and hope that the few meagre contacts I have made will help me secure a job. Otherwise, to unemployment with me!

The fences are back up on CCL...I guess they just stopped work temporarily so that it would look pretty for the grads and alumni. It's kind of sad to see it cordoned off again.

Oh, and to all of you who helped me (or suffered through having to listen to me) with my computer: thanks! I finally made a decision, and while I gave up the whole "tiny for the bus" thing, I got a monster HP 17 incher with the works. I can't wait to get it!

Check your emails for a message from me regarding NY get-togethers!


Warren said...

I can't imagine 17 inches on a laptop, as I sit here with my 13 inch macbook. But HP is a good brand.

Diana said...

Yeah...I guess you can watch movies on the road. :-)